Query returned 2346 results.
Meaning Driven Materials Selection in Design Education
Karana, Elvin // 2009
The shift towards more intangible aspects of materials in design practice has not been adapted to the design education system yet. In informal discussions with design students across years, we saw ...
Methodology for Part Visualization Problem Solving (Reading, Interpretation and Creation of Multiview Technical Drawings)
Sierra Uria, Egoitz; Garmendia Mujika, Mikel; Muniozguren Colindres, Javier; Larrakoetxea Madariaga, Isabel // 2009
Part visualization is a fundamental skill in engineering. It comprises the reading, interpretation and creation of industrial technical drawings. However, engineering students show certain learning ...
Methodology for Service Innovation in a Multi-Disciplinary Context
Almefelt, Lars. Gunnar; Rexfelt, Oskar. Karl. Martin; Zackrisson, Daniel; Hallman, Teres // 2009
Services? importance for the economy is increasing. However, services and their development remain under-researched in academia. This paper outlines the results of a project aiming to develop and ...
Modelling Co-Evolution in Design Practice
Smulders, Frido E.; Dorst, Kees; Reymen, Isabelle M. // 2009
Co-evolution is considered as a key characteristic of designing. Several authors have described design thinking processes as the co-evolution of design problem and design solution. Its theoretical ...
New Approach for Lightweight Design: From Differential Design to Integration of Function
Gumpinger, Thomas; Jonas, Henry; Krause, Dieter // 2009
For a lightweight design often the reduction of the part number is an important development aim. For realizing this, the principle of Integral Design is widely used. This principle basically ...
Optimal Risk-Based Integrated Design (ORBID) for Multidisciplinary Systems
Farhangmehr, Farzaneh; Tumer, Irem Y. // 2009
The final goals of large-scale complex system organizations are mainly reducing costs and improving reliability and performance of systems while assessing how much risk (cost, schedule, scope) they ...
Performance Evaluation of Complex Product Development
Johnsson, Stefan; Malvius, Diana; Norell, Margareta // 2009
In this paper a conceptual performance evaluation framework is proposed and discussed. The aim with the framework is to provide stakeholders involved in the product development process with a better ...
PLM — Digital Engineering and Numerical Simulation for Collaborative Product Development
Kibamba,Yannick; Eynard,Benoît; Troussier,Nadčge; Derigent,William // 2009
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a strategic business approach supporting the collaborative management of product and process de nition information from concept to end of life. This information ...
Product Development in Manufacturing SMES: Current State, Challenges and Relevant Supportive Techniques
Singh, Baljinder; Matthews, Jason; Mullineux, Glen; Medland, Tony // 2009
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) provide the backbone to the world's economy nowadays. These companies represent more than 90% of all the enterprises around the globe and are a major ...
Product Development Process Architecture of Diverse Engineering Systems — An Empirical Study
Shaja.A. S; Sudhakar. K // 2009
Engineering design process is used by engineers to develop products and comprises of enormous number of interdependent tasks. Literature shows that understanding the interaction of tasks is important ...
Proposition of a Maturity Grid to Assess NPD Agility
Wieder, Charlotte; Le Dain, Marie-Anne; Blanco, Eric // 2009
Since the mid 90's, the manufacturers need to renew continuously their product offers, to thrive in more competitive and turbulent markets. However, the implementation of continuous innovation ...
Prototyping to Learn: Characterizing Engineering Students’ Prototyping Activities and Prototypes
Lande, Micah; Leifer, Larry // 2009
Prototyping is an activity core to designing and engineering, though an activity that has traditionally been under examined. Through observations of students' prototyping activities during a ...
Realization of Modern Educational Concepts in Engineering Design
Meerkamm, Harald; Stockinger, Andreas; Tremmel, Stephan; Wartzack, Sandro // 2009
This paper gives an overview of engineering design education at University .... Due to the transformation of the traditional German degree programs to an educational system based on two cycles ...
Reducing Lead Time in Cutting Tool Development By Implementing Blitz QFD
Bylund, Nicklas; Wolf, Mathias; Mazur, Glen // 2009
A cutting tool producer aims to reduce the lead time from finding customer needs to achieving peak sales. There are many approaches to improving a company's new product development process in ...
Representation of Time in (Static) Visual Narratives
Pimenta,Sherline; Poovaiah,Ravi // 2009
The depiction of a story by pictorial means involves the problem of a relationship between literature on the one hand and the representational arts on the other. The protagonist of the story together ...
Requirements for a KEE System Supporting PSS Development
Bertoni,Marco; Larsson,Tobias // 2009
In Product Service System (PSS) development, understanding the customer use of goods is vital, since the product per se is not sold but rather the performance it brings to the purchaser in terms of ...
Requirements on engineering design methodologies
Keller, Alexander; Binz, Hansgeorg // 2009
Based on a literature research on engineering design research, engineering design methodologies and their development, requirements on engineering design methodologies are reasoned, grouped into a ...
Risk Management in New Product Development Projects: Taking Creativity into Consideration
Sperandio, Severine; Robin, Vincent; Girard, Philippe // 2009
Innovation or New Development Product (NPD) corresponds to the application of new and creative ideas. The innovation process is always a rhythm of search and selection, exploration and synthesis, ...
Satisfying the needs of the handicapped to aid design education: case study
Thomann, Guillaume; Museau, Matthieu; Rasoulifar, Rahi; De Castro Perez, Diana // 2009
Research in design education recently showed an increasing interest the confrontation of engineering student and the real design activities. Although many student contributions to the industrial ...
Setting Environmental Targets in Product Development so that they Really Matter
Ölundh Sandström, Gunilla Christina; Ritzén, Sofia // 2009
An important factor for reaching environmental improvements in product development is to have relevant environmental targets that actually influence the product development process. In this paper are ...
Sketching to solid modelling skills for mechanical engineers
Robb, David A.; Flora, Harminder; Childs, Peter R. N. // 2009
Hand sketching skills remain an important part of aiding discussions in meetings and are, for example, an essential asset for brainstorming and other ideation activities. The tendency for novice ...
Statistical Analysis of Process Simulations
Karniel, Arie; Reich, Yoram // 2009
Simulations of New Product Development processes using their specific contexts can provide project managers with decisions-making aids. The NPD context, which incorporates knowledge about the ...
Strategic Decisions Guided by Tools and Methods based on Sustainability Questions
Hallstedt,Sophie // 2009
Product development is a particularly critical intervention point for the transformation of society towards sustainability. Current socio-ecological impacts over product life-cycles are evidence that ...
Strategies for the Collaborative Use of CAD Product Models
Ding, Lian; Ball, Alexander; Patel, Manjula; Matthews, Jason; Mullineux, Glen // 2009
Today, more and more companies are shifting from design and manufacturing to provide through-life support. Product models, as one of the most important types of product information, must be ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.