Query returned 2346 results.
Specialized Design Sciences - Questions for the Future
Hubka, V. // 2002
The scope and organization of knowledge about design engineering and the technical systems being designed is presented in Design Science in a general form. The goal of designing is and should be to ...
Surface Design in Virtual Reality as Industrial Application
Fiorentino, M.; de Amicis, R.; Stork, A.; Monno, G. // 2002
The authors present SpaceDesign, a computer-aided styling application addressed to the early stages of the design process. Virtual Reality devices are used for expressing first design ideas in an ...
Terms and Measures for Styling Properties
Podehl, G. // 2002
The integration of styling work into the overall product development process is still not sufficiently achieved. Engineering and styling use different concepts and terminologies. Both areas are ...
The Application of the ECODESIGN PILOT and Methodical Support for the Implementation of ECODESIGN in Products
Wimmer, W.; Züst, R.; Strasser Ch. // 2002
The question nowadays is how to bring environmental information to engineers in product development in order to support the decision making towards more environmentally conscious products. The paper ...
The Artificial Intelligence Application to the Analysis of the Constructive and Working Parameters of Plane Mechanism
Sprecic, Denijal; Muftic, Osman; Janežic, Igor; Mujic, Elvedin // 2002
A computer based analysis method of a plane lever mechanism is described in this paper. Software, based upon conventional methods of analysing plane lever mechanisms, is developed for a concrete ...
The Creation of a Knowledge Sharing Culture for Effective Knowledge Management
Hallam, J.; Hodges, B.; Tabeshfar, K.; Velay, X. // 2002
This paper is based on research carried out as part of a workpackage concerned with change management in the 'Experts Enablers in the Machine Engineering Domain (XPERTS)' project. XPERTS ...
The Electronic Control Ignition and Fuel Injection System for Formula Student Racer Engine
Kegl, B.; Pehan, S. // 2002
In this paper some aspects of the Formula S project, team and racing car is briefly presented. Attention is focused on the air and fuel supply of engine. The intake manifold is planed from the ...
The Eraser Pen: A New Interaction Paradigm for Curve Sketching in 3D
De Amicis, R.; Bruno, F.; Stork, A.; Luchi, M. L. // 2002
In this paper we present a new interaction technique for curve sketching in 3D which integrates the two tasks of creating and editing into one paradigm: the 3D-eraser pen. The eraser pen allows ...
The Evaluation of Costs Related to Safety of Mechanical Systems in Design Stages
Fargnoli, M.; Pighini, U. // 2002
Cost is a factor having a great influence on the properties of any Mechanical System, limiting in a significant way designers’ and manufacturers’ choices, who are always limited in their choices. It ...
The History of one Industrial Application
Pokojski, K. // 2002
The Impact of CAD Technologies on Engineer's Education
Galeta, T.; Kljajin, M.; Majdandžic, N. // 2002
Main goal in an education of mechanical engineer is to deliver ready master to enterprises, prepared to deal with increased use of computer technologies. One of very basic technology that engineer ...
Towards Context-Sensitive Modeling Tools
Dumitrescu, R.; Vergeest, J. S. M.; Wiegers, T.; Wang, C. // 2002
During the design of industrial products, designers perform multiple switches between different contexts. Their task could be greatly facilitated by assisting them with constraints and/or parameters ...
Understanding the Phenomenon of Modularization
Hansen, P. K.; Andreasen, M. M.; Harlou, U.; Gubi, E.; Mortensen, N. H. // 2002
Many companies experience significant problems in coping with modularization and we interpret this as an incomplete and fragmentary understanding of the phenomenon of modularization. The paper ...
Upgrading a CAD System with Expert System
Kaiba, P.; Prebil, I.; Novak, A. // 2002
The article describes an expert system which is fully adapted to computer aided development of products in mechanical engineering and is based upon feature technology. It supplements the features of ...
Schachinger, Peter // 1997
Among engineering designers, interest has increased for some years in integrating several functions into one component (parts count reduction). On the other hand, a component will be to costly to ...
Pulkkinen, Antti; Vainio-Mattila, Markus; Riitahuhta, Asko // 1997
Piping project is an uncertainty factor in power plant project. The current methods used in estimating costs in tendering phase are unreliable. The methods used formodelling piping engineering are ...
Wartzack, Sandro // 1997
Time reduction of the product development process, because of growing competitive pressure, has an increased importance today. This paper presents a strategy how to shorten the process chain by ...
Ranta, Mervi; Mäntylä, Martti // 1997
This paper discusses the requirements on product model presentations that are suitable for reuse. The aim is to define promising directions for future research by recognizing how the characteristics ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.