
Query returned 2346 results.


Medeiros, A. P.; Ferreira, B. S.; Da Fonte, C. C.; Fernandes, A. A. // 2008
This paper reports the work carried out by a team, to develop an innovative product that addresses the needs of aged people, using systematic methodologies of product design and development. The ...


Penzkofer, F.; Wittmann, S.; Winter, M. // 2008
We follow the “generate and test” approach to analyse tolerance specifications: Based on toleranced CAD data, non-ideal parts are generated. For these non-ideal parts we propose several visualization ...


Brix, T.; Döring, U.; Reeßing, M. // 2008
This paper presents a solution repository that is part of the "Digital Mechanism and Gear Library" (DMG-Lib). The aim of this project is to develop a new digital, internet-based library ...

A Method To Translate An Engineering Design Process Into A Structure For Computational Synthesis

Schotborgh, Wouter O.; Tragter, Hans; Kokkeler, Frans G. M.; van Houten, Fred J. A. M. // 2007

A Strategy for Cast Part Shape Design Optimisation

Jokinen, Jarmo; Makkonen, Petri E.; Saarelainen, Tanja; Coatanéa, Eric // 2007

Adaptative Multi-Agent Systems for Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation

Welcomme, Jean-Baptiste; Gleizes, Marie-Pierre; Redon, Romaric // 2007

Configuration Grammar-Based Design Approach for Product Family Modeling in Advanced CAD Systems

Deciu, Eugeniu-Radu; Ostrosi, Egon; Ferney, Michel; Gheorghe, Marian // 2007

Development of An Airship Using the Design Principles of Bionics

Kießling, Daniel; Niedermeier, Michael; Stetter, Ralf // 2007

Drawing Standards for Early Design: Where Do We Stand?

Farrugia, Philip J.; Borg, Jonathan C.; Yan, Xiu-Tian; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Bartolo, Alexandra // 2007

Enabling Design Constraints in Commercial CAD Systems

Singh, Baljinder; Matthews, Jason; Mullineux, Glen; Medland, Anthony J. // 2007

Idealization of CAD Geometry Using Design and Analysis Integration Features Models

Hamdi, Mounir; Aifaoui, Nizar; Benamara, Abdelmajid // 2007

Measuring the Efficiency of Commonality Implementation: Application to Commercial Aircraft Cockpits

Bador, Damien P.M.D.; Seering, Warren P.; Rebentisch, Eric S. // 2007

Presentation of Engineering Design Related Knowledge

Feldhusen, Jörg; Lemburg, Johannes // 2007

Requirements-Driven Design Computations in Next-Generation Cad

Bapat, Vikram; Bettig, Bernhard; Summers, Joshua D. // 2007

Scenario Based Scheduling for New Aircraft Development

Lizarralde, Iban; Esquirol, Patrick; Rivičre, Arnaud // 2007

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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