
Query returned 2346 results.

Creating Brand-Innovation Synergy: Towards a Practical Method of Using Brands in the New Product Development Process

Keus, Martyn; Smulders, Frido; Roscam Abbing, Erik; Buijs, Jan // 2009
Brands are more than logos that are "stuck on" products after they have been developed. Before new product concepts are envisioned, brands exist - both in the minds of consumers, and in the ...

Creativity Theories and Scientific Discovery: A Study of C-K Theory and Infused Design

Shai, Offer; Reich, Yoram; Hatchuel, Armand; Subrahmanian, Eswaran // 2009
Creativity is central to human activity and is a powerful force in personal and organizational success. Approaches to supporting creativity are diverse and numerous. The only way to understand the ...

Dealing with Uncertainty in Design Practice: Issues for Designer-Centered Methodology

Daalhuizen, Jaap; Badke-Schaub, Petra; Batill, Stephen Marc // 2009
Design is at the core of successful innovation. While working on innovation projects designers have to deal with the uncertainty associated with complexity, multi-disciplinarity and outcomes that in ...

Decision-making in Design: A Comparative Study

Almendra,A.Rita; Christiaans,Henri // 2009
This paper presents a comparative study of the design processes of nal-year industrial design students of 2 countries while conducting an individual design task. This task was identical for both ...

Deficiencies in Management of the Concept Development Process: Theory and Practice

Kihlander, Ingrid; Ritzén, Sofia // 2009
Concept development is a key success factor in product development and in theory concept development means that a number of concept solutions are generated and evaluated in an objective way using a ...

Design as knowledge creation

Allert, Heidrun; Richter, Christoph // 2009
Design as knowledge creation conceptualizes design as a process of open-ended inquiry aimed to create innovative products and foster deeper understanding of the design space. The model encourages ...

Design at a Distance

Holden, Georgina // 2009
The Open University has been teaching design at a distance for three decades. In this time delivery mechanisms have changed from non-interactive broadcasts to interactive media. A new generation of ...

Design Relevant Research Leading to PhD: IIT Guwahati Experiences

Chakrabarti,Debkumar // 2009
Design has immerged as an academic subject characterising knowledge integrator which requires constant researching and an area of professional practice that cultivates multidisciplinary approach to ...

Design Requirement Data and the Older Adult

Thomson, Avril Isabel; Carse, Bruce; Stansfield, Ben // 2009
It is well recognised that many products do not meet the requirements of the rapidly growing older adult population. The research described in this paper aims is to provide designers with relevant ...

Design Thinking Challenges in Education

Ericson, Åsa; Bergström, Mattias; Larsson, Andreas; Törlind, Peter // 2009
Product development processes are commonly represented in sequential models covering the necessary stages from planning to product rollout, while processes to take needs into the development ...

Design to Cost unter Anwendung innovativer CAx-Methoden zur Sicherstellung fundamentaler Gerechtheiten

Troll, A.; Alber-Lauberkant, B.; Zapf, J.; Rieg, F. // 2009
Die Entwicklung kostengünstiger Massenprodukte ist nicht selten durch einen Verzicht auf scheinbar zeit- und kostenintensive Methoden geprägt. Hier resultiert ein Mangel an Entwicklungseinsatz oft in ...

Disruptive vs. Sustaining Technology and the Design Process

Kaldate, Amit; Thurston, Deborah; Rood, Mark // 2009
The preliminary stages of design often focus on how to configure the artifact in such a way as to beat the existing competition in a performance attribute widely available in the marketplace. But ...

Domain-Spanning Design Tools for Heterogeneous Systems

Brix, Torsten; Reeßing, Michael // 2009
In the past it was often adequate to assemble an overall system from separately developed and optimized parts. However, recent developments in engineering show the need to integrate mechanical, ...

Ecodesign tools in design education

Lofthouse, Vicky // 2009
Over the last 10 years the Department of Design and Technology at Loughborough University has introduced over 600 design students to a suite of qualitative and quantitative sustainable design tools. ...

Education of NPD in Virtual Multi-X Environments

c.Vukašinovi,Nikola; Fain,Nuša; Žavbi,Roman; Duhovnik,Jože // 2009
Cost competitiveness, energy price, geographic dispersion of human, knowledge and material resources are forcing companies to outsource and spread the tasks among companies and partners all around ...

Electric Actuator Selection Design Aid for Low Cost Automation

Egbuna, C. Chukwudi; Basson, Anton Herman // 2009
The selection of cost effective and efficient actuators is challenging, particularly in Low Cost Automation (LCA). Often decisions are based on the designers' experience or on actuator ...

Embracing Entrepreneurial Behavior in a Research School

Berglund, Anders; Sturm, Dennis; Parida, Vinit // 2009
PIEp (Product Innovation Engineering programme) is a newly established research school in product development engineering with the aim to increase innovation capabilities in the Swedish industries ...

Emergent Design Methodologies and Implications

Carter, Carissa Lark; Edelman, Jonathan Antonio // 2009
Emergent design is a toolset for designers working on complex, grand design challenges. Emergent design accesses the stories and perspectives, referred to here as "self-maps", of millions ...

Emotional design: Study of the colour preferences of Iranian users

Khodadadeh, Yassaman; Rostamkhani, Sadaf // 2009
This paper is concerned with emotional design, which can influence user experience and combine it with happiness and enjoyment. Emotions have a crucial role in human ability to understand the world. ...

English Corner: Fostering International Student Collaboration Through E-learning Technologies

Bull, Karen Lisa; McCartan, Sean; Beck, Andy // 2009
This paper focuses on a CEPAD (Centre of Excellence for Product and Automotive Design) 'Framework for International Student Collaboration', and highlights the technological, cultural, and ...

Estimating Cost & Improving Trade-off between Performance and Cost at the Early Design Stages

Saravi, Mohammad; Newnes, Linda; Mileham, Tony; Goh, Yee-Mey // 2009
Typically 70% to 80% of a product's cost is said to have been committed by the end of the conceptual design stage [1]. Because of the importance of the conceptual stage, cost estimation should ...

Estimation and its Role in Engineering Design - An Introduction

Adolphy, Sebastian; Gericke, Kilian; Blessing, Luciënne // 2009
Estimation is a relevant method for problem solving in product development due to the deficiencies in information and short resources. Nevertheless, estimation is hardly mentioned in related ...

Experience Concepts as a Tool for Fuzzy-Frontend in Engineering Design

Krzywinski, Jens; Drechsel, Frank; Woelfel, Christian // 2009
This paper aims to answer the question, to what extent industrial design methods are suitable for the use in the frontend of engineering design processes. The main focus is on the conceptual design ...

Experiencing Product Use in Product Design

Boess, Stella // 2009
How people use products can be quite different from the expectations of designers. This has been shown during the last twenty years, highlighting the need for designers to engage with product use ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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