Query returned 2346 results.
Toy design as a tool
Eriksson, Yvonne; Jerregård, Helena // 2010
The aim of this paper is to report the results of the undergraduate project course Toy Design for Creative Play (Mälardalen University, Sweden) based on human-centred design. It can be described as a ...
Toying With Creative Design: Starting to Design Instruments of Play
Heljakka, Katriina Irja // 2010
The essential elements in building fun and memorable experiences may have to do with playfulness and gaming. The demand for toys among products consumed during leisure time is growing. The toy ...
Petermann, M. A.; Meiwald, T.; Lindemann, U. // 2010
In order to provide a more detailed understanding of the implications of transferring knowledge in product creation networks, we need a more detailed picture of motivations and consequences of such ...
Fasiha, M. Y. N.; Sakayama, Y.; Yamamoto, E.; Taura, T.; Nagai, Y. // 2010
We focus on deep impressions, which defined as the impressions that are related to the deep feelings towards a product and lie under the surface impressions. We aim at understanding the nature of ...
Use of a Structured Engineering Design Process in Expanding Markets of SME’s
Kovacevic, Ahmed; Gowree, Erwin Ricky; Ghazihesami, Rouzbeh; Verdegver, Javier; Halai, Ashwin; Jeshani, Snehal; Valtera, Jan // 2010
EGPR (European Global Product Realisation) is an undergraduate group design project for final year engineering students at City University. The learning outcomes of this project are to equip students ...
Using Connectivity Models to Support Design Reviews
Ariyo, O.; Heisig, P.; Wilson, P.A.; Harnden, M.; Clarkson, P.J. // 2010
In this research, a qualitative investigation was carried out to assess the value of using connectivity models in design reviews. The study looked into the use of the model by multi-disciplinary ...
Using DSM Approach to Manage Interactions between Project Risks
Marle, F. // 2010
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Project Risk Interactions Management (PRIM) process and its associated tools and techniques. The aim is to assist project manager and project members to ...
Using MDM-Methods in order to Improve Managing of Iterationsin Design Processes
Kortler, S.; Helms, B.; Berkovich, M.; Lindemann, U.; Shea, K.; Leimeister, J.M.; Krcmar, H. // 2010
In development processes, the requirements engineering (RE) plays a vital role: It is “the process of discovering the purpose of the system-to-be, by identifying stakeholders and their needs, and ...
Writing in Design: Lessons from Lucerne
Nyffenegger, Franziska Katharina // 2010
This paper examines the use of blogs in the context of a new Swiss MA programme in design. Design students regularly feel ambivalent and openly reluctant about writing assignments. They lack casual ...
“Mind the Oddness Trap!” - Theory and Practice in Design Thinking
Noweski, Christine; Meinel, Christoph // 2010
In design thinking, theory and practice are closely interconnected. The theory serves as a blueprint, guiding companies in general and design teams in particular through the design process. Given ...
"Soft" Problems with Consumer Electronics and the Influence of User Characteristics
Kim, Chajoong; Christiaans, Henri H. C. M. // 2009
The paper reports a study into the complaints of consumers about "soft" problems they have experienced using new electronic household products. These problems cannot be traced back to a ...
A Case Study of Idea Work in the Early Phases of Product Development
Gish, Liv; Clausen, Christian; Hansen, Claus Thorp // 2009
Focus in this paper is on the early innovation activities, in particular idea work. Based on a case study from industrial practice on the development of a new circulator (the Alpha Pro circulator) we ...
A Decision Support System Designed for Personalized Maintenance Recommendation Based on Proactive Maintenance
Huang, Ying; Gardoni, Mickaël; Coulibaly, Amadou // 2009
Product manuals play a more and more important role in improving customer satisfaction. Many kinds of product manuals are developed to support the product utilization during the life of the product. ...
A Dialectical Approach to Solve Inventive Problems Using Genetic Algorithms and TRIZ: Searching for a Computer Aided Innovation Shell
Duran-Novoa, Roberto Alejandro; Leon-Rovira, Noel; Uresti, Eduardo // 2009
Inventive problems need creativity to be solved, which is usually believed to be beyond comprehension and, thus, methodology. TRIZ and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have shown that this is at least ...
A Method for Evaluation of Product Lifecycle Alternatives under Uncertainty
Kota, Srinivas; Chakrabarti, Amaresh // 2009
In each stage of product development, we need to take decisions, by evaluating multiple product alternatives based on multiple criteria. Classical evaluation methods like weighted objectives method ...
A Method for Identifying Improvement Potentials within Product Development Processes
Gries, Bruno; Gericke, Kilian // 2009
When a company tries to improve its product development process one of the first challenges is to become clear about two things: what "improvement" means and where within the overall ...
A Method to Identify Relevant Stakeholders to be Integrated in New Product Development Processes
Kain,Andreas; Kirschner,Rafael; Goldt,Mathias; Lindemann,Udo; Gunkel,Jennifer; Klendauer,Ruth; Schneider,Michael; Wastian,Monika // 2009
The core idea of stakeholder analysis aims on identi cation of active participants and passive attendants. It became a powerful means to explore social networks. The adaptation of this method in ...
A Methodology for the Development of Automated Consumer Products
Nagel, Robert Lewis; Stone, Robert B. // 2009
This paper presents research on a methodology to develop functional models to be utilized during conceptual design activities for products aimed at automating or assisting with currently manual ...
A Modeling Method of Services on their Contents and Delivery Processes
Hara, Tatsunori; Arai, Tamio; Shimomura, Yoshiki // 2009
Manufacturers are required to supply more services to customers in addition to material products. This paper aims at presenting a method to model services contents and its delivery process for ...
A Modeling Method to Manage Change Propagation
Koh, Edwin C.Y.; Clarkson, P. John // 2009
Many new products are developed through modifications of existing ones. However, the engineering changes required to implement such modifications can sometimes propagate, requiring further changes to ...
A New Computer-Aided Approach to Support Designers in Conceptual Design of Complex Mechatronic Products
Albers, Albert; Enkler, Hans-Georg; Frietsch, Markus; Sauter, Christian // 2009
As in every new development of complex mechatronic systems designers have to face several challenges. Especially in system design and conceptual design activities designers often resort to already ...
A Theory of the Constituent Elements of Functions
Fantoni, Gualtiero; Apreda, Riccardo; Bonaccorsi, Andrea // 2009
The aim of the paper is to present a new proposal for functional analysis. The approach here presented is the first step towards a novel methodology called FAB (functional analysis breakdown) where ...
A transferable model for innovative joint postgraduate degree programme development
Maclachlan, Ross J. R.; Ion, William J.; Kochanowska, Rowena; Hansen, Saskia; Herstatt, Cornelius; Buse, Stephan; Galla, Randolph; Boer, Harry; Thorup, Pedersen, Lise // 2009
The Global Innovation Management (GIM) MSc programme is a 2 year, 120 ECTS, joint degree programme delivered and awarded by the consortium of the University of Strathclyde (UofS) in Scotland, Aalborg ...
About the Use of TRIZ for Product-Service Development
Rovida, Edoardo; Bertoni, Marco; Carulli, Marina // 2009
The aim of this paper is to understand how the Theory of Inventor's Problem Solving (TRIZ) may be applied in the development of product-service combinations. The authors have analyzed TRIZ ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.