
Query returned 2346 results.

Integrated approach to the agile development with design thinking in an industrial environment

Grashiller, Michael; Luedeke, Tobias; Vielhaber, Michael // 2017
The aim of this paper is to investigate the arrangement of creative techniques and flexible project management methods to enable innovative product development in one single process. Because ...


Buck, Lyndon; Morse, Tracy; Lungu, Kingsley; Petney, Matthew // 2017
In 2017 660 million people remain without sustainable access to safe drinking water [1]. The majority of these are in rural areas with little hope in the foreseeable future of access to distributed ...

Investigating the relationship between customer emotions and sportsbike aesthetics

Mamo, James; Farrugia, Philip; Sant, Tonio // 2017
When designing a sportsbike, design engineers need to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to develop a product which is aesthetically pleasing as well as aerodynamically optimised as possible. The ...

Investigating usage data support in development processes - A case study

Höhn, Manuel; Hollauer, Christoph; Wilberg, Julian; Kammerl, Daniel; Mörtl, Markus; Omer, Mayada // 2017
The design of new product development processes which integrate customer perspective promises great potential regarding rising volatility of external influences, shorter product life cycles and ...

Knowledge based support for the designer at the interface of CAD/CAE

Andrae, Rene; Köhler, Peter // 2017
The extensive possibilities of modern CAD-software turn the classic approach into a more dynamic one. This opens up the possibility to take into consideration influences from the production and ...

Knowledge management and eco-innovation: Issues and organizational challenges to small and medium enterprises

Cherifi, Ahmed; Gardoni, Mickaël; M'Bassègue, Patrick; Renaud, Jean; Houssin, Rémy // 2017
the generation of new knowledge. To help SMEs in the development of their product, we propose a methodological approach that will allow to respect eco-innovative goal. As a starting point, a ...

Konzept zur zielgerichteten, ontologiebasierten Wiederverwendung von Pro-duktmodellen  (Members only )

Philipp, Kestel; Thomas, Luft; Claudia, Schön; Patricia, Kügler; Thomas, Bayer; Benjamin, Schleich; Steffen, Staab; Sandro, Wartzack // 2017
The reuse of product and process models during the product development process leads to considerable savings of costs and time. Such models are available in digital form in data and knowledge bases. ...

Lean assessment and transformation strategies in product development: a longitudinal study

Welo, Torgeir; Ringen, Geir // 2017
Maintaining simultaneous focus on efficiency and effectiveness is a difficult yet necessary strategy to deliver commercially viable products in today’s global world of competition. As a result, ...

Life cycle development - A closer look at strategies and challenges for integrated life cycle planning and upgrading of complex systems

Cudok, Anja; Huth, Tobias; Inkermann, David; Vietor, Thomas // 2017
operties over the whole life cycle. Several disciplines are involved to plan, design and implement the product life cycle. This contribution states that current modelling approaches are mostly driven ...

Maturity of models in a multi-model decision support system

Johansson, Christian; Wall, Johan; Panarotto, Massimo // 2017
To reduce uncertainty in decisions, engineers experiment with models, such as, exploring what-if scenarios, and thus increase knowledge. Still, because modelling is an idealisation of reality, there ...

Methodology for multiple life cycles product ecodesign

Troussier, Nadege; Sirina, Natalia; Adragna, Pierre-Antoine; Amaya, Jorge; Reyes, Tatiana // 2017
Knowing how to design new production systems in order to better address sustainable development is a major stake. In this framework, designing new value networks that imply new products should ...

Modelling the design parameters dynamics with Petri nets

Juranic, Jasmin; Pavkovic, Neven; Naumann, Thomas; Marjanovic, Dorian // 2017
The aim of the presented research is to develop methods and tools which would enable consistent dynamic updating and propagation of updated design information in teamwork in a manner that will not ...

Nonlinear quality function deployment: An experimental analysis

Bertoni, Marco; Bertoni, Alessandro // 2017
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a common model to frontload engineering design activities with, linking the characteristics of a product vs. the voice of the customer using linear relationships. ...

Optimierung des Produktentwicklungsprozesses mittels Risikoanalyse vernetz-ter Anforderungen  (Members only )

Young-Woo, Song; Abdo, Chahin; Philipp, Scholle; Beate, Bender; Iris, Gräßle; Kristin, Paetzold // 2017
This paper presents an approach towards optimization of products and development processes based on an analysis of interrelated requirements. The approach integrates three perspectives: The first one ...

OSLC based approach for product appearance structuring

Ebeling, René; Eigner, Martin // 2017
Within early phases of a product lifecycle, a lack of process connections between CAD design, product appearance configuration as well as virtual reality and other visualisation scenarios can still ...


Bobbe, Tina; Wölfel, Christian; Krzywinski, Jens // 2017
In a rapidly and radically changing world, there are more and new complex problems, technical but also social and societal ones. Due to that change, the understanding of design has developed and ...

Passive monitoring in the workplace: Design guidelines for self quantified employee feedback system

Tufail, Muhammad; Lee, Haebin; Kim, Myungjin; Kim, KwanMyung // 2017
The use of online social networking services is considerably more accessible today due to advances in ICT in workplaces. Employees are spending more time on Internet engaging in non-work-related ...


Hoftijzer, J. // 2017
Since the field of industrial design to a great extend concerns the creative development of three-dimensional objects, project communication is often a visual matter. The activity of design drawing ...

Pattern recognition for the integration of mechanical simulations in product development workflows

Schweigert, Sebastian; Schöner, Martin; Lindemann, Udo // 2017
The emergence of computer-aided systems and especially numerical methods has revolutionized the product development process. Several types of simulations and calculations during the process are ...


Acuńa, Alejandro; Maya, Mariana; Britton, Ella; García, Mariano // 2017
Play Lab was created by the School of Design and Architecture (EDA) in Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Querétaro, as part of a pilot education model called Semester i. Play Lab aims to bring ...

Process model for change management in the system of chassis-mounted parts of commercial vehicles

Stocker, Johannes Michael; Thoma, Christoph; Schmidt, Michael; Kreimeyer, Matthias; Lienkamp, Markus // 2017
Due to the high amount of interrelations, such as spatial dependencies, material exchange, energy transfer and information flow, the chassis-mounted parts, located between the axles of a commercial ...

Product sustainability assessment in conceptualisation phase

Martinez, Victor Gerardo // 2017
Along the design process many decisions and compromises are made in order to reach a final design solution. In literature is commonly accepted that tackling sustainability issues at early stages ...

Proposing a new product creativity assessment tool and a novel methodology to investigate the effects of different types of product functionality on the underlying structure of factor analysis

Hazeri, Kamyar ; Childs, Peter R. N. ; Cropley, David // 2017
The aim of study is to indicate a gap in creativity research arising from products with dissimilar capabilities requiring independent creativity indicators that are empirically formed according to ...

Prototyping shape-changing interfaces - An evaluation of living hinges’ abilities to resemble organic, shape-changing interfaces

Jensen, Matilde Bisballe; Blindheim, Jřrgen; Steinert, Martin // 2017
This paper presents an evaluation of nine laser cut living hinges in terms of their ability to resemble earlier defined properties of mechanical shape-changing interfaces. Such interfaces are ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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